These are some of the awesome clients I’ve worked with:

I help companies maximize their profits.

Some companies might not yet be aware they’re losing money by not taking their shareholder relationships to the next level; others might be frustrated due to outsourcing endeavors gone astray; a few might even have teams with the morale at its lowest because of repetitive, time-consuming, low-value tasks. With a holistic and systemic vision, I design innovative solutions for companies to successfully take on challenges like these and increase their competitive advantage.

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which companies are directed and controlled, while balancing stakeholder interests.

Systems Engineering

Systems engineering is a transdisciplinary field that focuses on the successful realization of complex systems, satisfying the needs of their stakeholders.

Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is useful for companies that collaborate to improve their operating efficiency and leverage their strategic positioning.

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Outsourcing: Avoiding Unnecessary Adversities

Sometimes companies make the decision to buy over make without taking certain key aspects into consideration and end up with outsourcing endeavors gone astray with less-than-satisfactory KPI levels. Outsourcing: Avoiding Unnecessary Adversities builds up on eight highly relevant international case studies and thirty-two enlightening interviews to offer a concise toolkit to raise the odds of successful outcomes for outsourcing endeavors.